Ten Network Videos: Idents

The faces of Ten News.

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(3mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
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(1.4mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
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(3mb progressive)

Motion Foundry continue their series of Channel Ten idents, this time forking off into the world of News. These are just as slick as the other Ten idents and stick with the “I believe..” concept. The black background actually feels more effective than the white backgrounds used in the other idents.

That said, I hardly ever watch Ten News, and doubt I would have seen these if it wasn’t for Alex at Motion Foundry, so thanks!

Seven Network Videos: Broadcast News

Seven’s 4.30pm News, now live in Kabul at 11am.

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(3.7mb progressive)

Seven’s 4.30pm news has become Australia’s first news program to simulcast live on the internet. The bulletin is available at and while I didn’t watch it today I understand it came with ads and all. Also on my list of things I don’t know about the service: if its available outside Australia. I’m sure the success of this will determine if its rolled out on other Seven news broadcasts.

While this would appear to be a first for Australia I have a feeling a few networks in the US also let you watch their news live online.

BBC Four Videos: Idents

The Thick Four It: The BBC Four idents.

Download the whole H264 bunch in one swoop here (20.3mb *.zip).

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
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(1.8mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
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(1.2mb progressive)

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(2.5mb progressive)

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(1.7mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
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(1.8mb progressive)

I find myself playing catch up lately, properly posting stuff that probably should have been here a long time ago. First it was all those BBC one dancers, and now the refreshed idents from BBC Four that launched in September 2005, which must have been just after my trip to London, where I posted the old BBC Four idents, which I remain incredibly fond of.

This series of six idents (so clearly I’m missing one) where created by Red Bee Media and described by them as;

a series that challenge viewers to reappraise how they see the world around them. Initially there appears to be only one image on the screen – be it of a swimming pool or bees gathering pollen from flowers – but as the narrative of the sequence unfolds it is revealed that there are actually four separate frames that all act independently.

I don’t know much about BBC Four, except for its reputation for being “intelligent”, and that it aired The Thick of It which I enjoyed, and where the mangled excuse for this posts header comes from (oh, and the shows being remade in the US by Mitch Hurwirtz).

I’ll post the sixth ident, and any new ones that may arise right here.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War Videos: Idents

This Week in Current Affairs: 9th May

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(28.3mb progressive)

This week’s lesson: Useful advice

Anzac Day sensitivities, taking up Pauline Hanson’s offer, loud sex and another Anna Coren segue. Apart from Chris Taylor sitting in for a “detained” Andrew Hansen it was your usual WHWLFCATW.

Download tonight’s episode from the official podcast, or get it right here off me.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Tonight’s Chaser: Reucassel on WSFM, Firth on ABC 774 and Spencer on ABC 702.


(4m18s / 1.01mb) From WSFM 101.7 at 7:55am. Download the MP3 here.

Craig talks to Amanda and Brendan this morning on WSFM about tonights episode, the difficulty in shooting, and their intention to stay at the ABC as long as possible.


(3m31s / 828kb) From ABC 702 Sydney at 5:51am. Download the MP3 here.

Also, Adam Spencer does some spruiking for tonights episode talking about their Logies hijinx over the weekend, and playing a segment from tonights episode where Hansen tries to auction off Qantas.


(4m25s / 1.03mb) From ABC 774 Melbourne at 1:55pm. Download the MP3 here.

Charles Firth talked to Richard Stubbs at lunchtime today in Melbourne about tonights episode, and the Logie’s experience.

Watch the show tonight at 9pm, podcast it, or just download it off me.

– Many continued thanks, Naomi.

European TV Videos: Idents

Christmas at TV2: The Help of God, the Love of the People, the Strength of Denmark.

Download the whole H264 bunch in one swoop here (33.5mb *.zip).

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(554kb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(400kb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
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(283kb progressive)

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(435kb progressive)

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(296kb progressive)

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(421kb progressive)

Thanks to design agency Stupid, and the people at TV2 Denmark I’m happy to show off their Christmas idents from late last year.

George: What is Holland?
Jerry: What do you mean, ‘what is it?’ It’s a country right next to Belgium.
George: No, that’s the Netherlands.
Jerry: Holland is the Netherlands.
George: Then who are the Dutch?

That quote pretty much sums up my geographic ignorance when it comes to Europe, but thanks to this blog, Wikipedia, and the kind people from around the world who send me local idents, I like to think I’ve learnt a few things. Like how I got informed Norway isn’t part of the EU in my post about the other TV2, and how the Latin name for Switzerland is ConfÅ“deratio Helvetica in my post about SF1.

So what have I learnt about Denmark then? Well, it turns out Greenland is actually Danish territory, and it has one of the oldest monarchies in the world, second only to Japan. And, oh yeah, and its also apparently the happiest place on earth!

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The World According to Fox News, Part II.

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(18.3mb progressive)

Another jab at Fox News, with a look at questionable maths, attempts at being hip, yelling matches, and an incredibly sensitive Bill O’Reilly talking about Shawn Hornbeck.

Tonights episode is available for legit download here, and not not so legit, but uncut/higher quality download off me here.

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ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Tonight’s Chaser: Julian on 702, Chris on Triple M.


(3m05s / 2.8mb) From ABC 702 Sydney at 7:40am. Download the MP3 here.

Julian talks to Adam Spencer this morning on ABC Sydney 702 about tonights episode, Snoop Dogg, and the ghost of Mark Latham.


(4m16s / 3.9mb) From Triple M Brisbane at 8:35am. Download the MP3 here.

Also, Chris talked to ‘The Cage’ this morning on Triple M Brisbane about tonights episode, they struggle to figure out the start time, talk about that ACA story, and play the ‘Gas Guzzler’ song that will air tonight.

Watch the show tonight at 9pm, podcast it, or just download it off me.

– Thanks again, Naomi

BBC One Videos: Idents

The BBC One idents that started this blog.

Download the whole H264 bunch in one swoop here (41.1mb *.zip).

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(1mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(5.9mb progressive)

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(1.5mb progressive)

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(1.2mb progressive)

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