Channel Five ITV

Digitalism with Channel Five and ITV.

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In November last year Whitehaven, Cumbria became the first region in the United Kingdom to switch off its analogue televisions service. Even more sites are planning to switch this year, and by 2013 when the Channel Islands go digital its expected all of the UK will have ceased analogue transmissions.

All the channels are busily reminding its viewers to make the switch and above is Channel Five and ITV’s attempts to convert anyone left in the UK who hasn’t already ditched analogue.

For more UK digital switchover videos check out another one for Five with John Suchet, the Digit Al series and Penelope Keith on the benefits of Freeview. Australia has some similar spots promoting digital from the ABC and a cool animation from SBS.

SBS Videos: Top Gear

Top Gear’s race to the North Pole.

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If there is one show that quite deservedly gets a lot of banging on about on this blog, it’s Top Gear, and here I go again.. Tonight at 7:30pm SBS is airing the special North Pole race that I first mentioned back in July when it went to air on BBC Two. While I’m not sure it quite topped the American special in February, from sheer adventure alone, no other episode comes close.

And you’ve still got a few weeks left if you want to apply to host the Australian version of the show, the local production is bound to receive a lot of scrutiny and criticism so lets hope the it’s a little more American Office and a little less Amanda’s.

Channel 4 SBS Videos: Promos

SBS and E4 show some Skins.

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I realise I’m probably giving this show a disproportionate amount of attention, especially considering I’m not even sure I like it, but its always had fairly cool promos, and really, at least it looks interesting, something thats been lacking lately on Australia’s prime time schedule… Whacked Out Sports? Really?!

Skins starts from season one tonight on SBS, and a new season starts soon on E4.

Nine Network Videos: Idents

Channel Nine “hearts” TV, and other lies.

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Slogan’s are tricky things, trying to distill an organisations entire mission into just a few words is a daunting task, but it can completely change a companies image.

Apple’s ‘Think Different‘ slogan is seen as a turning point for the company, ‘Got Milk?‘ turned dairy sales around in the US, and the beautifully meaningless ‘Just Do It‘ from Nike is still doing its job. One slogan you won’t hear people talking about in years to come however is Channel Nine’s new trainwreck of a promise.. “We Heart TV”.

Ah yes, the Nine Network, source of inspiration to poets across the ages.

That is Crikey’s critique of Channel Nine’s laughable new slogan, which honestly couldn’t be more a more inappropriate tag line if they tried, it’s up there with ‘Fair & Balanced‘.

Ten Network Videos: TV

No Cars Go on New Years Eve.

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As boring as it is to watch fireworks on television, last nights coverage of Sydney’s NYE celebrations did have one saving grace.. they played “No Cars Go” by Arcarde Fire!

I first heard the song when it was used in a promo for Top Gear, and have been totally enamored by it ever since, listen to the song in its entirety below:

ABC1 Videos: Idents

Wrapping up Christmas on the ABC.

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abcxmas07 - Twango

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Well I’m going to Queensland for the rest of this week, so posting may slow down more than usual. I thought it was about time I shared some of that Australian Christmas cheer, so here is the ABC’s seasons greetings from various people within the broadcaster and around the world.

BBC Two Videos: Idents

Cutting up Christmas on BBC Two.

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The whole BBC is getting into the Christmas mood, and BBC Two have taken the latest incarnation of their idents into a surreal pop-up book world filled with scissor wielding Grinch like creatures and cardboard skies.

Check out the rest of the regular BBC Two idents here, or explore below the fold for a Christmas themed promo, and one of those whats-on-nexts for the whole BBC…

BBC One Videos: Idents

The Christmas Penguins of BBC One.

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One year ago today I posted the BBC One Christmas ident for 2006, and in the spirit of consistency I give you this years Christmas ident, this time featuring the skating prowess of some penguins. Check out the rest of the BBC One idents right here.

And even though I’ve never watched an episode of Dr Who, the trailer for this years Christmas special looks pretty cool, and it goes with my whole previously stated appreciation of original programming during the holidays.

– Thanks for the videos Andy and Craig.

Channel Five

Christmas, Candles and Channel Five.

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Earlier this year Channel Five celebrated ten years of existence with some special “Five is Ten” idents, now though its time for that Christmas cheer.

Check out last years Christmas ident from Channel Five here, or what I think is one of the coolest things on this site, a shark eating a meat version of the Five logo.

– Thanks again for the video Andy.

Channel 4 Videos: Idents

E4 scrubs up a new look.

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Channel 4 relaunched the branding of its digital sibling E4 last Monday with five new idents and a refreshed on-air look. Above are four of the new idents (will post the fifth when I find it). The concept needs a bit of explanation, but unlike some other idents, these seem to make some sense. Basically they are meant to;

transform a typically British scene – such as a barn, a beach hut or a hotel – into a “deranged E4 space” where the “weird and wonderful colourfully unfolds”

Thats the word from the networks senior producer anyway. Whatever they are meant to be, they will probably appeal to the networks target audience, and really can a network that plays this much free-to-air Scrubs be all that bad? An example of a new look promo is after the jump, so..