BBC (Other) Videos: Idents

BBC Alba, always looking towards the Pole Star.

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Glasgow based agency Design is Central recently created this series of sublime idents for the new Scottish Gaelic language channel BBC Alba.

The look of the idents are based around the Pole Star, and the idea of an attraction and movement towards it. A concept which is slightly reminiscent of that used by Welsh broadcaster S4/C, is still nonetheless beautifully executed.

Complimenting the idents are a series of menu boards after the jump.

Videos: Idents

Norway’s TV2 gets festive with folklore.

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(656kb progressive)

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(780kb progressive)

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(592kb progressive)

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(771kb progressive)

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(620kb progressive)

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(1mb progressive)

Norway’s TV2 embraces the Scandinavian creature of folklore Tomte for these Christmas idents, wishing us all a very god jul.

– Thanks to Hans for the videos.

BBC One Videos: Idents

Wallace and Gromit get idents’d for BBC One.

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Wallace and Gromit are the stars of the BBC’s festive look this year, with the claymation duo featuring in their very own ident.

Sticking to the ‘circle’ theme, the Aardman creations are a slightly different take on the usual Christmas branding for BBC One which has previously featured ice skating penguins, and giant balls of snow.

And what would December be without some Christmas specials, including among other things the return of Gavin & Stacey, featured in the two trailers after the jump.

European TV Videos: Idents

The strange flip book world of Cult.

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(6mb progressive)

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Based on a music video for Dutch group Kraak & Smaak, the same directors have repurposed the flip-book-meets-real-world concept for this series of idents for Fox owned Italian channel Cult.

According the channel, the idents are “an intriguing game of perspectives in which the protagonist is the claim of the channel: TV or not TV?.”

For a channel which describes itself as “curious, nonconformist and irreverent”, this trippy collection of mildy confusing idents, and an equally strange slogan all somehow works perfectly.

Nine Network Videos: Idents

Baz Luhrmann’s Australia.. the ident.

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As part of the massive marketing effort to promote to Baz Luhrmann’s new flick Australia, the Nine Network has been running a series of line-ups and idents themed around the movie. The odd combination of an epic film, and a line up featuring Two and a Half Men doesn’t exactly make sense, but very little does on Nine.

Videos: Idents

It’s Breakfast time for ABC2, digital gets serious.

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Long time morning television rivals Sunrise and Today will face new competition from Monday morning, with the much anticipated launch of ABC News Breakfast.

The new service fronted by Virginia Trioli and Barrie Cassidy (formerly Peter Lloyd) will run weekdays between 6-9am on ABC2. With the resources, and the reputation of the ABC behind this new program, its likely to carve out an audience under whelmed by the commercial networks offerings.

It should also do wonders for the publics increasing recognition of ABC2 as a distinctly separate offering to ABC1, with the recent Paralympics also helping the networks impressive audience growth.

All this of course showing that one thing, and one thing only is going to drive the take up of digital in Australia: content!

Videos: Idents

Enter the “worlds” of Mun2.

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(2mb progressive)

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Mun2 is a cable television network in the US based primarily at the young Latino population. Owned by NBC Universal, the channels name is actually pronounced Mundos, which is Spanish for ‘worlds’, with the branding of the station as “Mun2” just a stylistic choice.

Designed by PepperMelon, the new set of idents, are meant to represent the stations three different “worlds”.

Channel 4 Videos: Idents

Film4 takes idents to the big screen.

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The studio ident for Film4 Productions is a new take on the “Channel 4 formula”, that sees the logo slowly revealed to the viewer through the magic of perspective.

Check out more from Film4, or just more studio idents.

Videos: Idents

Please don’t Telstra. Oh crap, you already did.

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(3mb progressive)

France Télécom, the parent company of telco Orange, recently entered the world of film, with the launch of its own production company Studio 37.

Studio branding has always interested me, and although Studio 37 is far more subtle than the big studios, this beautifully crafted spot by French agency Moustache is 20 seconds of self described “movie clichés” all done without over emphasisng the fact that its owned by a mobile phone company.

Unfortunately for Australian’s though, our largest telecommunications provider Telstra, has also just revealed that its getting into the movie business, by turning a horrible series of ads into a film.

Telstra: 1. Progression of Australian film industry: 0.

Channel Five Videos: Idents

We are Five.. four, three, two, one. Relaunch.

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(7.5mb progressive)

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(2mb progressive)

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(1.7mb progressive)

For the first time in six years, Five is giving itself a rebrand. The new look network has dropped the lower case type, and replaced it with a logo that’s just a little reminiscent of way BBC One do things.

Coming on-air for the first time last night, the look isn’t the only thing to change, with a new approach to promotions and ad breaks also coming into effect.

While the new look is just as slick as any other UK network, it manages to lack some the unity of other network idents, and although I’ve only seen this selection, I’m pretty confused as to what its all meant to mean, if anything.

For me though, Channel Five are going to have a hard time topping this.