ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The Chaser’s War on ABC promos


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The Shit Boring Golf Classic, Catalyst investigates beached blue bottle stingers and the 12th Annual Air Bassoon Championships.. the Chaser and their ABC promos.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Australian Story’s War on Everything


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Last week Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone presented the first of two Chaser Best Of episodes, and this week it got the Australian Story treatment with Caroline Jones hosting. Her intro and outro have been edited together above.

New epsisodes return next week.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

More Chaser by Request


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Firth in the USA getting kicked out of corporate HQ’s Michael Moore style, Andrew Hansen singing through the credits and Chris asks the big question.. “Cracked pepper?”.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Mandy’s War on Everything


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It may have been a ‘Best Of’ episode, but the Chaser certainly gave us a reason to watch this week. Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone played the role of bookends to this weeks episode with her intro and outro (edited together above).

The show may not be getting Wedge-esque ratings, but its certainly being watched by some people who matter. Its definitely starting to play the role of an “Australian Daily Show” for our political/media scene.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Coming to an ABC shop near you


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In this week’s Chaser they did a hilarious bit that showed off a mock ABC nude calendar, the public’s reaction was priceless, and I was actually really surprised with the quality of the design of the calander (as well as the pictures). I got an email yesterday with this excerpt from the SMH that might imply we could be seeing more of it;

The nude celebrity calendar featured in last week’s episode of The Chaser’s War on Everything could hit bookshops next year. The calendar, which featured the faces of such ABC personalities as Adam Hills, Jennifer Byrne, Andrew Denton and Margaret Pomeranz on nude portraits, was conceived as a TV stunt, but the Chaser team is contemplating publishing it as a real calendar.

The female bodies were supplied by models, but at least three of the male bodies belong to the Chaser team – Chas Licciardello stood in for Andrew Denton, Andrew Hansen for James O’Loughiin (pictured) and Craig Reucassel posed as himself. An insider told The Guide that consensus within the ABC is that Mr December, The 7.30 Report’s Kerry O’Brien, is ‘“the hottest”. His body was provided by an ABC staff member who wishes to remain anonymous.

For more pictures

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The Chaser’s War on iPod (again)


In March this year I offered for download an entire episode of the Chaser’s War in response to a Hack story I heard that Australian’s were now the biggest downloaders of TV in the world.

This time though, I’m doing it simply because its the best show on television your not watching at the moment. Its relevant, funny and creatively confrontational. Its in an unfortunate timeslot though, so if you haven’t caught an episode yet, try it…

> iPod Download 160mb (right click + save)

The next two weeks are “Best Of’s” but it returns to the ABC at 10.15pm on the 23rd of June with a new episode.

(To watch you’ll need iTunes, Quicktime or VLC)

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The Ad Road Test: No Gary No


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This week they tried to recreate the success of that No Gary No Nicorette ad with some smokers on the streets…

Then they went and tried it out on Kevin Andrews, Kevin Rudd, and a dancing Peter Costello.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This week in current affairs shows: Part 10


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This weeks lesson: the big issues

This weeks segment looks back at the year according to current affairs shows, they very cleverily compare what the real news programs were covering and what A Current Affair and Today Tonight thought were most important…

The 7th of February will live in history, not because of the Iraqi wheat scandal, or because Australia saw one of its biggest drug stings ever, but because of this tragedy of global proporations… The day innocence died at the Gourmet Pizza Kitchen.

To recap the last nine lessons check out the Chaser’s War category of this blog.

ABC1 Nine Network Videos: Chaser's War

Staging a war, Nine style.


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Like you needed another reason not to watch the Today show, but The Chaser’s War found one…

Jessica, I feel quite safe yes, and not because I’ve got these armed soldiers behind me, who were put there by your stage manager here to make it look good, I don’t need these guys here.

– Brigadier Michael Slater, responding to Jessica Rowe on the Today show asking him about how he feels about his own safety.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Chaser by request


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Short of uploading entire episodes of The Chasers War on Everything (which I’ve already done once, but I like to think I was kind of making a point with that), I try to be selective in what I post, keeping it vaugely relevant to the media.

That said, I’m always happy to give people what they want, so here’s this weeks PursuitTrivia with Philip Ruddock, and Chris walking into shops wearing a stocking on his head.