> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(2.9mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(2mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(3.2mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(3mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(3.2mb progressive)
The Office, Scrubs and 30 Rock are three of the best shows on television, they’re all broadcast by NBC on Thursday nights, and they all made their post-strike returns to our screens just a few days ago.
These three shows have all received Peabody Awards in recent years, and given the chance I’ll happily go on about how important good comedy is.
NBC has a strange place in my heart, and although its unfair to judge any network by the sum of its parts, its undeniable that NBC has some amazing individual programs, and from this outsiders opinion appears to foster quality in its programming, sometimes at the expense of immediate ratings gratification.
Whether its The Office, 30 Rock, Scrubs, Friday Night Lights, or Saturday Night Live, no other network delivers as much of my television content as NBC, which is quite an achievement, and also a little sad that its not an Australian channel.