“Laughter Echoes” – spicks and specks, enough rope, the chaser’s war on everything etc.
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The sleeper hit of 2006 (the ‘Garden State‘ of idents if you will) on this site has got to have been the ABC 2006 promos featuring the specially commissioned song ‘Light my way’ by Al Harding. More people have found this website through Google searching “this is where your world starts spinning”, then any other phrase, it even beat “tv idents”.
I think its a brillant song, I’m wondering if there is a full version or if we’re just hearing as much of the song that was written, either way I’d love to hear an original, unedited rendition, if for no other reason then so I can get over it. My sponteneous melodic break outs of “hey yeah, light my way” still gets very odd looks from people.
I can’t imagine any other network going to trouble of actually commissioning a song to be written, if it was on the commercials we’d probably of just got something from the Pussycat Dolls.
Thanks ABC, and thanks Al Harding, you’ve made it a great start to the year.