SBS Videos: Idents

What happened to idents on SBS?

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SBS have had some sweet idents in the past, but lately.. nothing. With Big Love and Top Gear both on air at the moment I’m watching SBS more regularly than ever before, but seeing no idents.

The closest thing they seem to have is this Cadbury’s ad that incorporates the SBS logo. I hope they have something planned, because when a channel gets the kind of scrutiny and criticism that SBS gets, a solid on air brand, that reinforces whatever it is the network wants to be, would probably be a good thing.

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idents on iPhone.

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Podcasting never looked so good. Subscribe to the podcast here, and carry me around with you on your iPod.. or on your iPhone if you’re lucky enough to have one.

– Thanks for the photo Mitch.

S4/C (Welsh) Videos: Idents

Those bilingual Welsh.. ddwyieithiol Cymraeg

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While English does not have de jure status in Australia as our national language, in Wales its a very different story. Wales is officially bilingual which means by law English and Welsh have to be treated equally.

This pop-up book inspired promo for Welsh broadcaster S4/C explains how to get the most out of the channel in your language of choice. The production is excellent, and its made a very memorable clip out of something that could have just as easily been a very boring piece-to-camera.

Proud Creative have been the folks behind all the S4/C videos I’ve posted, and its been some of the best stuff I have seen from anywhere in the world since I started this site. The new brand they have built for S4/C is incredibly genuine, thoughtful and just constantly visually stunning.

SBS Videos: Openings

Opening Sequence Sunday: Big Love

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If you flick over to SBS right now, you’ll catch Big Love, a show that I’ve already gone on quite a bit about. The opening sequence however, deserves a mention. It’s classic HBO, a little surreal, a little very symbolic, accompnied by what Paul McCartney calls the best song ever written “God Only Knows” by The Beach Boys.

Update: Get some insight into the symbolism of the opener with this comment.

Channel 4 Videos: Idents

Another Channel 4 and 20 Questions… interrupted. (Plus, a competition to design your own C4 ident)

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What do you hate? Thats the question that Channel 4 asks, then slices together with a set up prank as part of what I’ve dubbed their new ..interrupted series. I have no clue who the celebrity in question is sorry, so maybe someone can fill me in.

In other C4 news though, 4Creative is holding a competition to design a new 15 second ident, so if you think you have an idea worthy of joining this bunch of idents you can find out what you need to do to enter right here.

Videos: Chaser's War Videos: TV

The Chaser on ‘Today Tonight’ and ‘The Nation’

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The Chaser was again lambasted on Today Tonight last Friday over a stunt they did about mobile billboards. It was the lead story on that nights edition, filed by reporter Bryan “funny in a sad way” Seymour, and stirred this moving response from Anna Coren.. “it really is a negative war on everything”.

And last night Chris and Andrew appeared on The Nation to talk about their new musical Dead Caesar among other things.

BBC One Videos: Idents

A new BBC One ident enters the forest.

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A rabbit, a forest and some fairies round out the 11th addition to the new ‘circle’ idents for BBC One.

See the whole collection here, or to see the Northern Ireland variant keep reading..

Seven Network Videos: Openings

Weekend Sunrise with Sam and Andrew.

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Samantha Armytage has taken over Lisa Wilkinson’s role on Weekend Sunrise alongside Dear or No Deal host Andrew O’Keefe.

In today’s broadcast she was joined by Seven Brisbane’s Talitha Cummins on news reading duties, but I’m not sure if that is a permanent change.

BBC Two Videos: Openings

Opening Sequence Sunday: Glastonbury 2007

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While the Big Weekend is certainly big, its the Glastonbury music festival that you hear about around the world. And at £145 a ticket you’d probably expect no less than a line up that includes: The Killers, Bloc Party, Arctic Monkeys, Lily Allen, Kaiser Chiefs, The Who, Björk, Maximo Park, Editors and heaps more.

As with the Big Weekend, the BBC’s coverage is hard to escape, with the Red button brining you four extra channels, along with sets on BBC Two, BBC Three, and BBC Four. On the wireless Radio 1, 6 Music, Radio 3, Radio 4 and Asian Network are all broadcasting from the event along with on-demand video streams online. Even Radio 4’s half century old Today Programme is broadcasting from there.

The national broadcasters commitment to relaying these festivals to the rest of the country is pretty incredible, it would be like the ABC televising the Big Day Out, which I don’t see happening anytime soon. Its also an excellent example of the power of digital television… and a well funded public broadcaster.

Videos: Openings

The Morning Show’s war on Nine and Ten.

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This week saw the start of Channel Seven’s new morning show, called The Morning Show. The Adam Bowland produced chat show is pitted head-to-head with Nine’s Morning’s with Kerri-Anne and Ten’s 9am with David and Kim.

The Morning Show definitely looks the best of the three thanks to the Sunrise studio, and from what I’ve seen seems the most tolerable, but I’m pretty sure 22 year olds who work full time aren’t the target audience, so I’ll leave my opinion at that.

Above is the start of Monday’s TMS, Tuesday’s KAK and Wednesday’s 9am.