ABC1 Videos: Idents

More of ‘There’s More’


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There seem to be quite a few of these new ABC idents, and here are just a few I’ve got already. I really like the 60 second ident (previous post), I just hope ABC don’t make hundreds of them like they did with the ‘Everyones’ campaign, just make enough good ones that we don’t get bored.

The video for the frisbee ident also includes the new ‘warning’ for an M rated program, it kind of reminds me of the UKTV warnings.

ABC1 Videos: Idents

There’s more to television.. on ABC


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> Quicktime H.264 (15.2mb)

The ABC have just relaunched their whole idents package, and on the same day as my graduation, coincidence?

Well probably, but either way the one 60 second ident I’ve seen so far is fantastic, I’m still trying to take it all in, they fit alot into one minute, but there is no doubt that this is a lot better then what were used to seeing, I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.

Seven Network Ten Network Videos: Idents

The Sydney Sessions


Spent the night in Sydney on Thursday, didn’t record that much stuff, but did get the long version Network Ten promo and something from Seven.

I really want to like the Ten promo, but I just wish they hadn’t made 90% of it out of stock images and video, its particularly noticeable on the clips that aren’t in 16:9 (look for the one with the teens on the coach). Channel Seven is pretty ordinary, its better then the Prime stuff we get in Canberra, but the whole Gottaloveit thing almost makes ‘Still the One’ look good.


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> RealPlayer Stream (686kb)
> Quicktime MPEG4 Download (2.9mb)

BBC Three Videos: Idents Videos: Openings

UK: BBC Two + Top Gear


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> Quicktime MPEG4 Download (6.6mb)

This is a fantastic BBC Two ident, the execution of the idea is really well done, and the burning BBC Two logo in the corner at the end is a nice touch too. This is the ident that ran before last weeks Top Gear and the opening sequence of that has been included.

And for those of us in Australia, Top Gear starts tonight on SBS so hopefully this will pique your interest for it.

Channel 4 Videos: Idents

Let this be the start of something


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More4 is a new digital channel from Channel 4, its intended (as I understand it) to compete for the viewership of the BBC Four crowd. It launched on October 10th this year and has the rights to such programs as The Daily Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and The West Wing from which this ident is from… segway…

Speaking of The West Wing it was revealed last month that Channel Nine had sold the rights to air the show in Australia to the ABC. This kind of thing happens all the time, but usually between commercial networks such as Nine selling Smallville and The O.C. to Network Ten. Whats so exciting about this is that as far as I can tell this will be the first US drama originally broadcast on a commercial network to get a new life on the ad-free ABC.

Like many shows Channel Nine dumped The West Wing from its schedule mid season, thanks to BitTorrent overly commited fans like myself get to stay up to date with the show, but I’m so glad the ABC has picked it up and I can’t wait to watch it on our public broadcaster. I hope this isn’t a one off because there are some badly abused shows on commercial TV that I would love to see on the ABC or SBS, starting with;

1: Arrested Development
I know the show has been basically cancelled with its third season run being cut from 22 to 13 episodes but I would love the ABC or SBS to prove that good promotion of this brilliant show can get an audience, it doesn’t seem to of really taken off anywhere in the world and thats no doubt due to it not rating well in the US and therefore every other network in the world assuming it can’t rate well.

2: Gilmore Girls
Say what you want about my masculinity but this is stand out show (with a stand out cast.. Lauren Graham), its pathetic that Channel Nine run it only in summer, and to make it worse it is the non-ratings period replacement for Funniest Home Videos. When was the last time Norman Mailer or Madeline Albright guest starred on Funniest Home Videos?

3: Six Feet Under
The final season finished months ago in the US, and thankfully I’ve been able to see it, but when will the rest of Australia get a chance Nine? Its a brillant show and a 9.30 slot on ABC would rock opposed to the fluctuating 11-12 slot it gets on Nine (thats if it ever gets an airing).

The list could go on (Scrubs, Family Guy..), but I think my rantish point has been made.

Ten Network Videos: Idents

Summer on Ten


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Ten are still running their usual idents but I saw this one tonight and thought it wasn’t too bad. Its only really a pseudo ident, but I liked the simple font and colour combination. The promo includes two short videos, the first one has a girl with super-blue eyes which looks cool, but the second one has a girl twirling on the beach and it just looks badly filmed and more spray-tan commercial then ident.

I wonder how long they will stick with this ‘seriously’ thing.

BBC One Videos: Idents

UK: BBC One ‘Little Britain’

The new season of Little Britain started last Thursday and instead of its usual debut on BBC Three it got the big seal of approval with a BBC One premiere. To celebrate Red Bee (formerly BBC Broadcast before Australia’s Macquarie Bank bought it) got Tom Baker to be the continuity announcer for the night. The script for the evenings idents were written by Matt Lucas and David Walliams.

I think its brilliant that they went to the trouble to do something different, they draw attention to the idents, and I just love how ingrained idents and continuity announcments seem to be in British pop culture.

Do the boom shack a lack.


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BBC Three Videos: Idents

UK: BBC Three ‘Bungee’


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> Quicktime MPEG4 Download (3mb)

Finally another BBC3 ident for you, and I think it was worth the wait, this one actually got an audible laugh out of me. I really love the concept of the BBC3 idents, and initially the whole ‘blobs’ thing didn’t appeal to me, but its totally grown on me. (Thanks Graham).

SBS Videos: Idents

Highest ratings ever


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> RealPlayer Stream (864kb)
> Quicktime MPEG4 Download (2.5mb)


> RealPlayer Stream (916kb)
> Quicktime MPEG4 Download (2.6mb)

SBS just celebrated their highest ratings ever with a total of 4.5 million tuning in to watch Australia beat Uruguay in the World Cup qualifying match. So what better time to show off their new idents, although I’m probably still too in love with their old ones to give a balanced opinion on these.

They kind of remind me of the iPod ads (especially the new one), but apart from that they are once again better then anything else on Australian TV (next to maybe ABC2), and at least SBS change them before you get a chance to get sick of them.

Channel 4 Videos: Idents

UK: Some 4’s


> RealPlayer Stream (1022kb)


> RealPlayer Stream (634kb)

For some reason I thought I’d already posted these, but apparently I hadn’t, still got more UK stuff to come, I really liked 4 while I was in the UK, the idents and the channel… can you spot the Mercedes? Enjoy.