ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

NSW Police express “disgust” over Chaser prank

It appears Chas has been charged with offensive conduct after turning up at last nights Bulldogs match with flares, a fake knife and imitation knuckle duster as part of a segment for the Chaser’s War. For more read this.

In true Bulldogs style though Chas wasn’t the only one charged that night with one man set to face court for offensive language and three kicked out for alcohol related offences.

> MP3 Download (0:26s / 420kb) Recorded from ABC 666 Canberra.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This week in current affairs shows: Part 13


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This weeks lesson: neigbours from hell

Hypocracy and hyperbole, another hilarious attack on A Current Affair and Today Tonight. If you didn’t see it, download! The At The Movies bit is probably one of the funniest things I’ve seen on the Chaser to date.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Comedy at its most literal.


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Last week the Chaser introduced us to the world’s first single entendre comedy, Are You Being Shagged? They follow it up this week with another promo.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The Chaser’s War on… consumer advice


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First they deconstructed the new ABC idents with their directors commentary now they’re putting their own spin on consumer advice.

So that would make this weeks episode an M15+ with L S E FO U and PM.

Videos: Chaser's War

Tonight’s Chaser: Chris Taylor on ABC Canberra

Every Friday morning I used to hear my mother of all people tell me about what was going to be on tonights episode of the Chaser’s War. It turns out she was getting all her information from Chris Taylor who’s been talking to Ross Solly on ABC local radio once a week since the show started. (Although Rod Quinn is filling in this week).

Cutting out the middleman (my mum), above is this mornings interview recorded at 7.15am. And don’t forget the Chaser is on tonight at the earlybird timeslot of 9:40pm (compared to the usual 10:15pm).

Also Chris and Craig return to triple j starting this Sunday afternoon for four weeks in a new show, Bloody Sunday.

> MP3 Download (6m44s / 6.2mb) Recorded from ABC 666 Canberra.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This week in current affairs shows: Part 12


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This weeks lesson: re-enactments + celebrity fluff

The Chaser looks at some of ACA and TT’s better renactments, including a man having a stroke, a boss firing an employee and some very realistic fighting.

Along with James Thomas from A Current Affair and his efforts in producing five entire reports about the Urban/Kidman wedding with no actual facts.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The world’s first single entendre comedy.


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Sorry I’m late everyone, my heater broke and my pussy was frozen solid. And by that I mean my vagina.

Hilarious skit from the Chaser parodying the humor employed by Are You Being Served?, in their own creation, Are You Being Shagged?

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Jonestown: The Magic and Myth of the Chaser.


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The Chaser’s take on the ABC, Alan Jones’ biography and a lot of him swearing.

As I’m sure most of you know by now ABC Books, the publishing arm of the national broadcaster has decided not to publish a book it commissioned about conservative radio personality Alan Jones. The book has been deemed “legally defensible” from defamation, nonetheless the ABC won’t be publishing it, for what they call “commercial reasons”, but what everyone else see’s as pressure from the government appointed board.

I know there will be people who’ll defend the way Jones’ behaves in the video bloopers, of course they are selective, but it says a lot about a persons character, its not like there are tapes of Ramona Koval swearing her head off and yelling at her staff.

For more on the whole issue visit the Crikey media section or read the Media Watch transcript.

(And for more Alan Jones being a jerk check out his closet recordings here)

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

At least my sexual fetish isn’t hate.


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The Chaser this week took a look at the folks behind, the Westboro Baptist Church and sent Firth along to say hi.

The head of the church, Fred Phelps is almost too extreme to warrant arguing with, some even suggest he’s such a caricature of the anti-gay movement that maybe the whole things a hoax. His bio on Wikipedia is a very interesting read, and among other things it would appear he pretty much killed his sons wife in order to crush him.

The most logical explanation for his insanity though seems to be that “Westboro serves to enable a paraphilia of Phelps, wherein he is literally addicted to hatred”. He pretty much gets off on hating.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This week in current affairs shows: Part 11


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This weeks lesson: overstatement

The Chaser returned tonight in excellent form after a fortnight off, this weeks lesson about current affairs show was all about the hyperbole they use…

Australia’s parking vultures, see how they methodically herd innocent motorists into their ambush zone, and once you leave your car they take it and hold you to ransom.

Or, the women who says her councils zoning decisions make her feel like she is living in Idi Amin’s Africa.

Admittadly I’ve never lived in an area that was under council rule (just self government), but I can’t imagine its anything like the murder and torture of half a million people, by a a self proclaimed ‘King of Scotland’ and apparent cannibal who “brought bloody tragedy and economic ruin to his country, during a selfish life that had no redeeming qualities.”