Videos: Chaser's War Web Misc

Why am I so excited about podcasting?



Maybe its the democracy of it, or maybe I’m just a huge geek, but today the ABC offered for download their first video podcasts, and I’m frieken psyched.

Available for download are The Chaser’s War on Everything (75mb) and JTV (38mb). You have the choice of MP4 or Windows Media formats.

They both have their own consumer advice (left) and don’t seem to have any rights management, I’m not sure if international users will be able to access the site, but good luck to them.

Subscribe to the feeds:
> The Chaser’s War Vodcast
> JTV Vodcast

The quality is pretty good for the file size, and don’t forget you can play the MP4’s in full screen in iTunes and VLC so don’t worry about not having a video iPod.

Hopefully Media Watch, Spicks and Specks and the news are just a “trial” away.

Web Misc

I’m a BBC runner-up! My web 2.0 design came 11th.


The BBC ran a competition in April/May of this year called Reboot asking for submissions to redesign for the new web 2.0 world. I submitted a design on the last day of the competition, and quickly forgot about it… Until yesterday when I got an email informing me that I was one of the ten runners-up!

I’m pretty sure they weren’t too jazzed with my design (heck, I wasn’t), but they did seem to like some of my ideas, the judges said about my submission:

It was the 2 fascinating “social media” ideas here that swung it. The promos for Project: Planet Earth (“six billion volunteers required”). Eat that myspace! And the idea of a collaborative wiki based EastEnders script also stood out.

I’ve been told I win an iPod nano, which is cool, but I’m just excited that my ideas got recognised, it feels good! See my design in all its grainy-jpeg glory here, and of course check out the actual winning design here.

Web Misc

Thank god you’re speaking in tongues

It was less then a month ago that Channel Nine was claiming to be the first in Australia to offer what they called “television downloads”, but were actually just PC-only one week rentals of McLeods Daughters, well not only were they not the first, they were about seven months off the mark.

And no, I’m not talking about my feeble attempts (here and here) to give away episodes of the Chaser. It turns out that the SBS show Speaking in Tongues was offering Mac and PC compatible downloads the day after broadcast from back in November last year.

I just can’t believe I never picked up on this, either way Speaking in Tongues is still on iTunes, and holding strong in the top 30 Australian podcasts.

Tim, who was involved in the Speaking in Tongues podcast also points out that the last episode of Thank God You’re Here is also available for download.

Web Misc

May 2006

simpsons may

Most downloaded: Chris on Sunrise
Second place: BBC Radio 1 promo
Most comments: BBC News openers (34 and counting).
Bandwidth: 90.01 gigabytes
Total downloads: 36,781 videos

Web Misc

Updated logo.. lust


So I’ve shaved about 30px off the top of the logo to maximise space, and I’ve finally dumped ‘Rockwell’ as my font of choice, for now its ‘Gill Sans’ which aptly enough is the BBC and Saab font (..I drive a Saab).

Web Misc

Updated logo.. work in progress


It’ll probably change again soon, just got bored with the old one.

Nine Network Web Misc

Nine’s $1.95 down-loans


In an ominous start to the Australian TV download scene the Nine network is offering this week’s episode of McLeod’s Daughters available for download for free. After that though it will cost $1.95 an episode and you won’t own the video, you’ll just have a license to watch it for five days.

It doesn’t work on a Mac (of course), and I’m still struggling to get it download on my Mum’s Compaq, instead of just letting you download the file they have this tortured flash interface which is still loading.

Web Misc

And I’m back


I’m back in Australia, the trip was awesome, I didn’t get to capture any international idents, Ireland was interesting, their RTE Two looks a lot like FOX8 (but green). Ireland and Bahrain both had Paramount comedy channels which I hadn’t seen before, and I got to watch BBC Prime in Manama (pictured) which was interesting (even if there wasn’t that much I really wanted to watch on it).

Videos: TV Web Misc

God, we have fun.


> RealPlayer Media (1.2mb)
> iPod Download (1.6mb)

“God, we have fun”, that was a line from the opening scene of this weeks episode of The Simpsons. I thought it was an appropriate line, nicely reflexive and retrospective and timed perfectly for The Simpson’s Movie trailer.

My love of the Simpsons is pretty well documented, so I couldn’t not post this.

I leave the comfort of my Arlington wifi tomorrow so probably won’t bug you with Simpsons crap for a few days.

Web Misc

Marge Simpson: Dove spokeswoman.


I was in a Rite-Aid today and took this picture, I don’t know why it seems so cool, I just love that Dove got Marge Simpsons (a cartoon character!) to sell their hair styling products.. she’s never looked better by the way.