> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(1.8mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(1.4mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(2mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(1.4mb progressive)
Channel 4 relaunched the branding of its digital sibling E4 last Monday with five new idents and a refreshed on-air look. Above are four of the new idents (will post the fifth when I find it). The concept needs a bit of explanation, but unlike some other idents, these seem to make some sense. Basically they are meant to;
transform a typically British scene – such as a barn, a beach hut or a hotel – into a “deranged E4 space” where the “weird and wonderful colourfully unfolds”
Thats the word from the networks senior producer anyway. Whatever they are meant to be, they will probably appeal to the networks target audience, and really can a network that plays this much free-to-air Scrubs be all that bad? An example of a new look promo is after the jump, so..