Seven Network Videos: TV

The member for Sunrise.

sunriserudd - Twango

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Back in January I suggested that the behind the scenes drama of Sunrise would probably make for a good show in itself. And, while the day to day Hollywood reports and weather wagons probably outweigh anything worthy of a scripted drama, when you start to get people questioning the relationship of the alternative Prime Minister of a nation to the shows producers, throw in angry war veterans, the entire Australian media, and an apparently annoyed station owner who happens to vote the other way it suddenly all becomes pretty interesting.

I like Kevin Rudd, and I like Sunrise, and quite clearly Sunrise likes Kevin Rudd. His presence on the show has raised his profile immensely, I look forward to him being the next Prime Minister of Australia, and I look forward to Sunrise however subtly taking some credit for it.

Read the press release about todays announcement below.

European TV Videos: Broadcast News

Introducing.. BBCNN Sky-jazeera 24

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For the first time in the history of 24 hour news networks, four global broadcasters have come together to produce the same program. The event was part of a campaign to free kidnapped journalist Alan Johnston who went missing one month ago yesterday.

Jeremy Bowen who anchored the special started by saying “about the only good thing to come out of the last month is the way Alan’s colleagues, especially here in the occupied Palestinian territories, have rallied around him.”

A commendable use of resources, something that should be considered again for any number of worthy things.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This Week in Current Affairs: 11th April

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(28mb progressive)

This week’s lesson: Humiliation

I’m the treasurer of the Pussycat Dolls fan club

Blame, dignity and a little incest, all in a days fun for the Chaser. Their continued and brutal attacks on A Current Affair and Today Tonight undermine the entire genre and with special appearances from Chas’ parents, some of the funniest five minutes on television.

Catch the whole show from the Chaser’s website or through their iTunes link.

European TV Videos: Idents

France from afar: France 3

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(3.1mb progressive)

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(2.9mb progressive)

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(2.4mb progressive)

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(301kb progressive)

In whats becoming little more then an excuse for me to mention the fact I went to Paris for six days in January; I present another installment of France from afar.

As previously mentioned I captured next to nothing during my time in France, but thanks to the generosity of one of my French readers I’ve been able to feature for you the sights and sounds of French television, and have for you today France Trois.

For more of the French check out my posts on ARTE, France 5 and TF1.

BBC Two Videos: Idents

TV on the television: The BBC2 sunroof.

Download all the new BBC2 idents in one swoop here (36.3mb *.zip).

sunroof - Twango

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(942kb progressive)

Another addition to the new look BBC Two collection, check out the rest of them in the original post here. Anymore out there I’m missing?

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The World According to Fox News

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(21mb progressive)

The Chaser no doubt still have years of parody to get out of Today Tonight and A Current Affair, but I guess there is no time like the present to go after the mother ship of questionable journalism… Fox News Channel (and by association; Chuck Norris).

With cameos from Kerry O’Brien and Monica Attard, its enough to make any ABC geek giddy, and probably explains further why the show is such a hit with those snobby, wealthy, educated or employed OG1 + 2 demographics (ie. you and me, the definition is pretty broad).

Tonights episode is already available for legit download here.

Foxtel Videos: Idents

Thanks Tactic, for showing us your wang.

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(570kb progressive)

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(567kb progressive)

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(590kb progressive)

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(665kb progressive)

Thanks to Nathan from Tactic for sending me their latest creation… scribblings of various penis euphemisms, created for The Comedy Channel (which I recently got sent some other stuff from too).

And while I do spend most of my work day drawing willies, I’m not getting explicitly paid for it like the guys at Tactic, I guess its a good thing no one at work knows I have a blog.. and conversely no one who reads this blog knows where I work.

To sum up, they’re short, funny and pretty cool (the exact opposite of me), I look forward to seeing these while I watch my day old Colbert’s over lunch.

Channel Five Videos: Idents

Five is Ten: 3,500 days of soft porn and Hitler.

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(2.6mb progressive)

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(2.7mb progressive)

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(2.5mb progressive)

Five is ten! You’ll have to forgive me for the title of this post, it refers to a Dead Ringers bit (video after the jump). The graphics and execution on these special anniversary idents are fantastic, and I love the route they’ve taken of the network literally being ten years old like a child.

Above Kirsty Young, Matthew Wright, Naomi Wilkinson reflect on their time at Channel Five, which for a network I know nothing about is certainly growing on me. And below some cross promotion with Five Life and that Dead Ringers bit, so keep reading…

Channel Five Videos: Idents

If you wanna be my Five.

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(1.2mb progressive)

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(2mb progressive)

Channel Five celebrated its 10th birthday yesterday, the above is the start of the channel, and the Spice Girls guaranteeing it will be the new sensation (how did that pan out?.. i’m not being facetious I really don’t know what people think of it).

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This Week in Current Affairs: 28th March

Update: Ratings are in, they nearly doubled last years viewing average.

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(26.8mb progressive)

> Quicktime H.264
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(8.7mb progressive)

The Chaser’s War on Everything returned last night, and while I can tell you it beat out House, Cold Case and Heroes in Canberra, you’ll have to wait for someone else to tell you how it did in metro Australia, but I think its fair to say it probably did pretty well.

It was a complete return to form, and my favourite of all segments, What have we learned from Current Affairs this Week was just brilliant, with a special tribute to Naomi.