ABC1 Web Misc

Meet the evangelical Christian and management wonk who’s running your ABC.

Aunty’s latest boss is its most surprising one yet – an evangelical Christian who’s fluent in management-speak. One year into his tenure, Mark Scott talks to Caroline Overington about his big plans for our cultural behemoth.

Read the article in full online, or in The Weekend Australian Magazine.

European TV Videos: Idents

France from afar: France Télévisions

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This blog is about television idents, right? Sorry about my mid week Chaser-tangents, how about this though? Another installment of France from afar.

Instead of looking at a specific French television station though these videos promote the whole French national broadcaster; France Télévisions ranging from France Ô to 5.

Its similar, but a little more dramatic to what the BBC and Channel 4 do.

The whole thing is incredibly elegant, and this combined with the fact I saw Paris, je t’aime last night makes me wish I’d spent more time in Paris.

For more French Television, check out my posts on ARTE, France 3, France 5 and TF1,

– Thanks again, Jean-François.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

This Week in Current Affairs: 25th April

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This week’s lesson: Menaces to Society, and segues.

This week they ponder the masterful journalism that can produce such a graceful segway segue from a story about an abused Ukranian swimmer to a story about a lettuce grower.

If you missed the show you can podcast it, or just download it off me.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

The Chaser sells out to Nine.

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Does this happen in other countries? Or is it an Australian specific thing. Is the looming threat of a popular show on a public broadcaster switching to a commercial network something that happens outside of Australia?

There’s been talk, albeit from A Current Affair that The Chaser’s War on Everything was being targeted by commercial networks to make the switch from the ABC. This video shows how The Chaser envisage their show might look on the Nine Network..

Hopefully its a pretty clear sign they have no intention to leave the ABC.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

Tomorrow’s Chaser: Chris Taylor on ABC Adelaide


(10m47s / 5.9mb) From ABC 891 Adelaide at 1:15pm. Download the MP3 here.

Chris talks to Carole Whitelock on ABC Adelaide 891 about tomorrow nights episode, the rumours that they’re selling out, and of course Big Brother.

Watch the show tomorrow at 9pm, podcast it, or just download it off me.

– Thanks Naomi

Foxtel Videos: Idents

Discovery Channel’s ‘moment of discovery’.

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Motion Foundry have once again been nice enough to forward me some their latest work. This time its a 15 second ident for The Discovery Channel, whose only brief for them was that it feature ‘moments of discovery’.

To see some of Motion Foundry’s other work check out their Channel Ten refresh.

Nine Network Videos: Chaser's War

The irony is lost on A Current Affair.

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A Current Affair’s lead story tonight was about the success of The Chaser’s War on Everything, it kind of felt like your grandfather explaining YouTube to you, and expecting you to be impressed.

It was a nothing piece that alluded to the show being offered money to switch to a commercial network. I’m all for it getting more publicity, but I think it can do without the ACA crowd.

ABC1 Videos: Chaser's War

What you missed on cable.

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If you’re watching this show, we know your probably a typical latte sipping, ‘i love public broadcasting’ sort of person

No current affairs this week, but the Chaser’s War on Everything did delve into the seedy world of cable television to take a look at what $100 a month gets you from Foxtel. And although I am a ‘i love public broadcasting’ sort of person, I do pay $100 a month for cable, and can’t imagine television without it.

On a side note, a 15 year old has been forging infringement notices from the ABC and successfully getting clips of the Chaser’s War removed from YouTube. The SMH reports that the ABC has since had the videos reinstated and that they want “to get our content out there on as many platforms as possible, run by as many different operators as possible”. So, is the ABC saying I should post more Chaser videos here?

Read the email I got from YouTube below.

SBS Videos: Top Gear

The making of Top Gear and the fate of season 10.

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(The above videos are Jimmy Carr looking behind the scenes of the Emmy award winning Top Gear. It was originally part of a “best of” episode.)

This isn’t the first time I’ve gushed over Top Gear, and probably won’t be the last. But when Jeremy Clarkson asks the world what should become of the show I thought it was probably worth bringing up.

And although Jeremy questions the recent direction of the show, I’m sure he’s well aware his little car magazine is reaching a television nirvana, not just for motoring programs, but for any type of broadcast on the medium.

It puts us on level terms with Eastenders. It means we are, give or take, the most watched show on the BBC. And that’s just in Britain. Factor in the rest of the world, and TG is effing massive.

When a show can give you goosebumps, makes you pace with excitement, giddy with laughter, silent in awe, and turn little more then three journalists into something more akin to the cast of Seinfeld, it seems the Orwellian prediction of televisions future is a little less Big Brother, and a little bit more cocking around with your mates (albeit filmed better than most movies).

So let Jeremy know what you think, but the shows natural evolution has, and will, continue to serve it better than any focus group could.

Seven Network Videos: Broadcast News

Sunrise family values.

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Last nights Lateline probably serves as a bit more of a coherent introduction to the Sunrise/Rudd story then I mentioned in my previous post.

The introduction and story also announce the results of a Newspoll published in The Australian today which shows Rudd remaining steady as “better PM” and the ALP up 2 per cent in two party preferred.

Sunrise has had its moments in the past, from Al Gore’s gushing over their climate change campaign, to David Koch at Beaconsfield and that snow joke (which might explain why Howard’s not a fan), but when yesterday’s biggest news story was the fact that Rudd and Hockey will no longer appear in their weekly segment, it shows the power the ‘sunrise family’ might potentially wield.