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This ident for Network Ten is a pasthice of animated and live actions shorts representing shows on the network at the moment. This is an updated version of promo they have been running for a while that changes depending on what shows haven’t been cancelled. Currently Rove Live, The O.C., The X Factor and Neighbours are being used to make up the ident with the song “Thats what I like about you” accompanying it.
This is part of the networks very long running ‘Seriously’ campaign which intially started off with some very cool idents, but its been years since then and there is only so much refreshing of an idea you can do. Of the commercial networks in Australia Network Ten has consistantly produced the best idents but it is about time they gave up on ‘Seriously’.
Something Network Ten are consistanly great at though is show specific promotions, recently the ads for Jamies School Dinners and Queer Eye have been brillant, they really are the only commerical network that go to a lot of trouble to promote individual programs, the other networks just tend to use the same template for every show.