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> Quicktime H.264
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BBC Three got a complete rebrand in February, dumping the old logo and the beloved and iconic blobs. The new look was developed by Red Bee, and although on first glance the whole feel could be mistaken for an SMS ad, on further viewings a depth begins to appear, and you kind of start to like it.
The £380,000 rebrand is part of the channels repositioning to take itself beyond being just a television broadcaster. Red Bee say the idents are meant to “make it feel a more populated and alive place”, basically a visual representation of Facebook-like communities, including their own Sims like characters.
And while the idea of big media embracing user-generated content, and saying stuff like “web 2.0” usually drives me crazy, BBC Three seem to be pulling off a nice balance, and at least their taking a risk, and in the process appearing incredibly progressive.
The six new idents are above, but ten more videos await you after the jump, including promos, the 60 second news and viewer uploaded intros.