Based on pageviews alone, the 7 most popular posts this year so far have been:
7 – The making of Top Gear and the fate of season 10.
6 – All my life watching America.
5 – The making of the Six Feet Under title sequence.
4 – The Simpson’s War on Everything.
3 – Two stunning minutes of MTV.
2 – The Chaser’s War on uncut H264 downloads.
and the most popular post of 2007 so far has been…
1 – The Simpsons very own Channel 4 ident.
I’m glad an ident related post came in number one, but I think overall the top seven represents the right mix of idents, title sequences and television-shows-I-really-like that I hope this blog will continue to embody.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for navigating my varied interests and poor grammar, and a huge thanks to everyone who has sent me videos, much appreciated!
All the best,
5 replies on “My 500th Post: The Top Seven of 2007.”
Congrats, John. And thank you for your effort, it really is a fantastic blog.
Congrats John, has the years flown by so quick? It felt only like yesterday when you started the blog back in 2005.

congratulations :3
I hope the wordpress people concider getting you into the “best blogs” list :3
Thanks, this has been a really valuable resource – both entertaining and educational!
I remember you doing things for the 200th and 100th posts. Wasn’t the 200th the West Wing titles? Can’t remember the 100th one but I do remember you doing that awesome music video thingy with the top 10 videos of the year and Top Gear shots. Any plans for another one in the future (*hint hint!*)?!