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Thanks to design agency Stupid, and the people at TV2 Denmark I’m happy to show off their Christmas idents from late last year.
George: What is Holland?
Jerry: What do you mean, ‘what is it?’ It’s a country right next to Belgium.
George: No, that’s the Netherlands.
Jerry: Holland is the Netherlands.
George: Then who are the Dutch?
That quote pretty much sums up my geographic ignorance when it comes to Europe, but thanks to this blog, Wikipedia, and the kind people from around the world who send me local idents, I like to think I’ve learnt a few things. Like how I got informed Norway isn’t part of the EU in my post about the other TV2, and how the Latin name for Switzerland is ConfÅ“deratio Helvetica in my post about SF1.
So what have I learnt about Denmark then? Well, it turns out Greenland is actually Danish territory, and it has one of the oldest monarchies in the world, second only to Japan. And, oh yeah, and its also apparently the happiest place on earth!