Foxtel Videos: Idents

Discovery discovers High Definition.

Discovery HD launched in Australia (2.3mb) >> To comment and see other videos visit

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Discovery HD rounds out the new HD channels from the recently launched Foxtel HD, it joins National Geographic HD, BBC HD, and Fox Sports and ESPN HD.

The network is yet to adopt the new look Discovery branding, which is a shame because although this is an HD channel it looks like it just stepped out the nineties.

5 replies on “Discovery discovers High Definition.”

What a nice idea – spoiled a bit because we can’t read “entertainment”. Great audio mixing makes it feel real but the slowdown on the last shot could be better.

Overall good job Discovery HD!!



Glitchy as though.

When its in the desert (i think) on the left a little screen looks like its about to go behind a bush, then we see they just didn’t bother to mask it out.

Lazy shits

hello i usually work with Discovery Channel France, you have to know that the tv design for the european versions of DC is very specific (created by Red Bee). I had the chance to use the DC HD european design to promote the french version and it’s quite amazing and beautiful. Nothing compared to this one… Only macro focus with amazing life sounds. the purpose is to regognize the object (toaster, toy car, spaghetti, hedgehog etc..) I will see if i can send u prints.

Seems like the same package as used in UK, does Discovery HD there carry any advertisements, here it does not yet has stupid filler where they are meant to be.


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