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I’m pretty excited by all things ABC, and the national broadcaster has been giving us plenty to stew over lately. When they’re not broadcasting confusing promos for ABC2, they’re busy dropping hints about changes to come and leaking blurry photos of new logos on the net. So in the unlikely event we needed anymore proof that a new change was indeed coming, they’ve delivered this new promo bizarrely incorporating what I can only assume is the Pan Slavic Flag with the promise of “New Beginnings”.
The song is ‘Brand New Day’ by the cellist for the Foo Fighters Jessy Greene.
19 replies on “New beginnings for the ABC in 2008.”
Appears the change according to TV Tonight is they are going to rebrand their channels BBC style. ABC1, ABC2, ABC3?
From this video with the blue, white and red, I reckon each channel will be of a different colour (or at least their logo will be) – and as we know the ABC1 logo is blue (from that blurry photo), I reckon the colour of ABC2 will be red.
Good, if correct – red is a fantastic colour for a channel, as evidenced by BBC1. It is strong and bold…i get really sick of every channel using blue!
I am really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I never felt “ABC-TV” and “ABC2” sat well together from a branding perspective. Re-branding ABC1 and ABC2 would be much more sensible. Now what we need is our new Commonwealth Government to stump up some cash and make an investment in the ABC, to strengthen it for the future.
cant say im wild about this promo – it lacks depth and really isnt that wildly different from the average ‘lets show the talent’ promos. and i was really excited about a new rebrand for the abc, if they fuck it up with a similarly flat boring class-less approach im gonna be veyr dissapointed. my only hope now is abc2.
also – does anyone else feel the irony in playing a song called ‘brand new day’ over images of some of the oldest broadcasters in the country?
Nothing wrong with old broadcasters…Peter Cundall has more talent in his little finger than the entire Channel 7 ‘talent’
i sure hope this “re-brand” is a proper rebrand…i don’t want them to hold back…i think they should seriously change the whole look of the abc…except possibly their classic ‘sound waves’ logo…but their current idents including those short and seriously crappy ones where there’s a girl clicking her fingers wearing a top hat…A TOP HAT..then THROWING IT..that’s AMAZING….i think the abc to often hold back a bit and don’t go the whole way in rebranding..so if they do that with “ABC1”..i will be very disappointed
I hope they’ll change the news as well and bring back a theme more reminicent to the one used before the current one.
But all in all I’m very excited about this relaunch!
Red, white and blue stripes… shades of the old LWT in the UK!
Err, when did the ABC relocate to France? God help us, this is dreadfull.
More information here: http://theabcblog.wordpress.com/2008/01/28/new-namenew-logonew-location/
PS there are a lot of people called Andrew who contribute here!
Whilst I think the promo needs some help, the colour palette is strong, bold and classy. Surely a good thing for our National broadcaster.
I can’t wait to see the rest of it!
Does anyone else this feels a bit too English? I mean, they really are incredibly English/European colours. I know these are early days, but lets hope we don’t go down the ‘stuffy’ route that the English channels have done in the past with their promos. I’ve always liked the fact that Australian promos have an element of fun, experimentation and excitement. I just kinda feel like these colours take a step back to our colonial past, just at a time when I thought we were looking forward.
@ Stu. I don’t really know what you mean by “the ‘stuffy’ route that English channels have done in the past with their promos”. I can only assume you mean the way British broadcasters rarely use programme personalities in such a manner as is done in Australia and the US. As you can see in this promo they have not just used footage from programming, as they usually would in the UK, it’s all new footage used as a general promo for the service, which is NEVER done in the UK.
“the ’stuffy’ route that the English channels have done in the past with their promos”
Isn’t this what Idents.tv is for? Some of the best idents in the world are from Europe, and are probably what you call “stuffy”.
“a step back to our colonial past”
I personally think we should embrace our UK heritage instead of embracing the culture of an irrelevent country, America
Blech! That was just awful. One shot after another of people mugging at the camera.
Culturally irrelevant. That’s so cute.
I think this is long overdue for the abc it looks young and fresh something that is well needed. Not so sure about the music though pretty corny. I hope they follow through with a more current and youthful look for the abc I am so sick of all the old boring safe options they have been giving us.
it’s very nice and modern but I have to admit I kidda liked the past ver. I know it got old but it was original and the music was soothing