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I just spent the last two days watching the entire first season of the Foxtel drama Love My Way, and damn it was good. It’s been so long since I got into an Australian drama, it was almost a novelty to see Australian culture reflected in a scripted show, I’m so used to my Six Feet Unders and the like.
It was refreshing that the show wasn’t based around a profession (doctors, cops, ranch hands or whatever it is the McLeod’s Daughters are). The characters are pretty fucked up, but none of it seemed contrived, the situations and storylines grow organically.
I don’t want to spoil the plot if you haven’t seen it, but episode eight was pretty hard to watch, its very emotional, and while the plot turn that occurs may seem like a way to wrap up the season or just generate some drama, its dealt with in such a blunt and raw way it actually works.
Its only 10 episodes so if you have a spare 500 minutes I really suggest you watch it, it will reignite your faith in Australian television.
I read somewhere that the commercial stations wanted to air it, but Claudia Karvan and co said no so unless you have Foxtel, the DVD’s may be your only option.
34 replies on “Love My Opening Sequence”
Hi, I feel exactly the same about Love my Way. I too watched the first series all in one go and now i am hanging out for more. Six Feet Under was, in my opinion the best TV drama ever made but Love My Way is nipping at it’s heals. I was wondering if you knew when the second series is being released on DVD, as i am a bit lost not knowing what is going to happen next.
were is love my way filmed at. what part of the country.
I think its all shot in Sydney.
Yes, definitely all shot in Sydney. Thurd series shooting began last week and is due for completion at the end of January.
Love my way is filmed in Maroubra and Malabar in East Sydney.
Location of Frankie’s house in Series 1 & 2
Dan Wyllie here.
it’s great to know that there’s so many passionate fans of love my way out there. it is filmed in Maroubra and Malabae East Syd. hope you all enjoy series 3.
– Dan
If that was actually Dan Wyllie, have to say keep up the great work. You’re show is brilliant.
hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me the location of the white house that Frankie lived in, in the first 2 seasons. I am fascinated by the house and would love to go have a look at it. I tried to click that link someone had posted but it doesn’t seem to be loading.
Thank you.
Hi Jean,
The map loaded fine for me, and it looks like the house is located at Rodney Street, Dover Heights in Sydney.
The house was a big part of the show, and if the end of Season 2 is anything to go by it doesn’t seem like it will be part of Season 3 (which starts February 26th on Showtime).
thanks for replying to my question john!
i hope that the house actually looks like it did in the show and hasn’t been renovated or anything.
Love my way is absolutley brilliant. I just got the season 2 dvd sent to me from Australia as i now live in the UK. I watched season 2 early last year when it screened on W channel. The best thing about tv shows like Love My Way is when you re watch you get more and more out of the show than the first time you watched it. There are so many different levels of emotion that this show highlights. There are some really good interviews with the cast etc on http://www.showtime.com.au
Worst thing is that being in the UK i probably wont get season 3 for a while so it looks like i will be getting taped versions sent to me. Really looking forward to see what surprises are in store for season 3
Best series ever!!!! I was totally besotted with Six Feet Under but I’m afraid this has surpassed it. I have both series on DVD which I have watched through twice and can’t wait for Series 3 to be released.
The acting is brilliant from all cast members and the writing is sublime. The characters are flawed but oh so believable! Love, love, love, Love My Way. Hope it goes on forever. Julia
I downloaded seasons one and two
season three has just started here in Aus but I dont get showtime
if anyone finds any of the season 3 episodes for download could someone please let me know here!
Have just been viewing some series 3 and it is brilliant. All characters are totally believable and the acting is so incredible, it is almost like viewing a reality show. The show touches on the raw gritty part of life that many other shows gloss over.It goes deep into the human psyche and I think most people can see pieces of themselves in each of the characters portrayed. It is a warts and all viewing of human nature.
Congratulations to Dan Wyllie and Claudia Karvan on being nominated as best male and female actors in the Astra awards. This outstanding series has been nominated in other categories as well. Good luck to you all! Thank you all for your quality and heartfelt characters involving love, life, pain and the whole damn thing ………….
I have been a big fan of love my way since it first aired. I have to admit that when the ad’s first came on I didn’t think much about it, however I was soon hooked after the first episode. I can remember them being on at 8.30pm at night with 2 episodes playing, I was getting up for work at 4am back then, but I just could not get enough of that show, I stayed up and went to work so tired. They then had a marathon weekend with all eps back to back, watched it again then and loved it all over again. Bought the DVD’s when they were released and it yes, I watched it again. Seasons 2 & 3 were fantastic and I really hope they will produce another season. I think I am in lust with Dan Wyllie, lucky Julia. He is a fantastic actor, he is my vote for the gold logie. He really needs a fansite as there is not a lot on the net about him and the work he has done.
I don’t have Foxtel so I have to hang out until DVD’s are released. I had marathon viewings of series 1 & 2. Can’t wait for next Love My Way marathon for series 3. Does anyone know when it will be released? Excellent acting. Brilliant show. Love it!
Just, finally, got Series 1, here in New York, fortunately, on Ebay. Actually bought a hackable DVD player to watch it, which I did all in one sitting. Amazing acting, writing, directing and camera work. Can’t wait to pick up Season 2.
Hey ,
Absolutely Loved seasons 1 and 2, and wondering if anyone can tell me when season 3 is due out on DVD?
Ditto! Where is Season 3 on DVD? Want it now!
My sister was raving about ‘Love My Way’ for some time, and dropped off the series 1 & 2 DVDs to me while I was recovering from having my wisdoms out….I could not stop, and spent 5 days glued to the tele. What an amazing show it is! I just love it and now cannot wait for the next installment….so – when is series 3 on DVD, or when will foxtel show it again as I have pay TV at home…desperate to find out….Im addicted!
I cant wait for series three either. Apparently its meant to come out on dvd on the 17th october
Does anyone know if love my way series 3 will be aired on channel 5 or where I could download it?
Amazing compulsive viewing.
i have to agree i watched series one a few months after i had bought the dvd series for my mums bday and i watched the whole thing it was just so hard to not watch…i was so stoked that i did watch it i thougt that it was all just so real,i mean im not hating on any other australian drama but home and away is pretty much a no go after you watch love my way..i mean how many stalkers and killers and drama happens to that place lol..but not hating on the ppl who like it..as for dan wyllie i just thought he was amazing and so funny all of them are such talented ppl,i loved the first season so much that i bought the second season watched it all night went to bed like 6 in the morning and then when i got up that evening(lol) i went and bought season three!!!i just hope that its not the last season i LOVE LOVE LOVE that programme…PLEASE MAKE MORE SEASONS!!!!lol
I’m from Canada and came to Sydney last year. I heard a bit about Love my Way and was curious to check it out. After one episode, I was hooked. I watched 1, 2 and (downloaded because I just could not wait!) 3 in about 2 weeks.
Dan Wylie, if that was you up there and you read this. I have to tell you what a performance you gave. I am so smitten…
I have watched shows from many places in the world but without a doubt, this is the best I have ever seen.
Love it, love it, love it. I caught most of season 1 on Foxtel last year, and couldn’t understand why the hell I hadn’t heard of it before then. I brought season 1 on DVD a few weeks ago, and devoured it. I even got my Mum obsessed with it, we now watch it together! I went and got season 2 on DVD last week. Next is season 3, and I’m heartbroken that there’s no more to come.
Dan – one word – brilliant.
Is there an address we can write to Claudia to beg for another season? I’m left feeling very unsatisfied with the end of Season 3. I just adore this show but I’m not happy with the Frankie – Lewis outcome. How do others feel?
hey guys whats up!
i so love my way like it was so refreshing to gety an actual show with acutla people oh ity in spired me in so many ways…..
I have just finished watching Season 1 & 2 of this amazing, wonderful real life Aussie drama. I’ve been up every single night watching this brilliant show, unable to turn it off. It has made me cry like no other show and I’ve laughed so much too. I’ve always loved Claudia Karvan and am so glad to have found such wonderful actors as Dan Wyllie, Asher Keddie & Brendan Cowell, what an amazing bunch they all are. I can’t wait to watch Season 3 but am so upset that it’s all finished after that, a huge shame for those of us that love the show. I will miss it terribly.
I can honestly say watching this drama, it has changed the way I look at things, especially my children who are 8 & 2. Life is precious, children are little miracles and family is forever.
Love my way…. stunnning.
I have watched all 3 seasons in the last couple of weeks (from Bigpond movies). I am so sad there are no more, I feel like they are friends I have lost touch with. The characters and storyline, although some were hard to watch, was just so believable!
Please come back!!!!
You are an awesome actor “Charlie”!! Xo