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Ever heard of Charlie Brooker? Well either had I until serendipity landed in my inbox last month in the form of two completely separate emails within 24 hours of each other from a couple of readers (thanks Mark and Andy) telling me to check out his television show, Screenwipe on BBC Four.
If this blog were a television show (god willing…) I would hope it would resemble something close to Charlie Brooker’s Screenwipe. Basically Screenwipe successfully achieves something that I was always longing for, a television show about television.
He treats television as a serious medium, praising the best of it, and trashing well, the rest of it. He looks at everything from individual shows and channels, to the minutiae of the industry, and as this video shows, he even takes a look at television idents.
The show is currently in its fourth season, and for a television loving country like Australia I look forward to one day seeing a local equivalent.
13 replies on “Charlie Brooker is awesome!”
god i love charlie. its such an incisive satirical show too
I’m rather appreciating about how some kind soul’s putting every show on YouTube (do a search for xthemusic)…
Charlie Brooker’s great! I’m sometimes surprised they actually let him make some of the points he does.
Best. Show. Ever. Sometimes the way he acts is… mabye a little cheesy, but he’s always histerically funny and completely correct.
In a strange coincidence, I was talking to an Australian about Charlie Brooker on a forum, and it led to a discussion about the difference in UK and Australian TV channels, so I linked him here and randomly Charlie Brooker appeared on this page!
Thanks for making a post off the back of my email, John. Charlie is a very talented figure. He used to write for PC Gamer, and has done a ton of other things in UK media circles too. His show is on every Tuesday night on BBC4, so you torrenters can see it the day after… Or wait till xthemusic does his stuff on YouTube.
I love this show – I’ve been watching since day one, and I have been following Charlie for years. This is a link to his Guardian blog: http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/charlie_brooker/index.html
Sorry, I’ve been reliably infomed that I meant PC Zone. This is because I was an Amiga user, and my brain is fried.
I’ve uploaded 3 episodes of the current series on my YT channel:
It’s brilliant, and I almost agree with him everytime
or as the others say xthemusic for Screenwipe episodes as well, he has a ton of classic episodes. I’d recommend you check out the US TV Special
God it’s wonderful isn’t it? I came accross it one YouTube and it was one of those divine moments..like when I first discovered Media Watch.
I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned Charlie’s pre-Guardian effort TV Go Home [ http://www.tvgohome.com ], a sort of Radio Times for the psychotic. He pulled the plug on it in 2003, but the old content’s still there and still piss-funny.
DUDE! PC Zone not gamer