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This week saw the start of Channel Seven’s new morning show, called The Morning Show. The Adam Bowland produced chat show is pitted head-to-head with Nine’s Morning’s with Kerri-Anne and Ten’s 9am with David and Kim.
The Morning Show definitely looks the best of the three thanks to the Sunrise studio, and from what I’ve seen seems the most tolerable, but I’m pretty sure 22 year olds who work full time aren’t the target audience, so I’ll leave my opinion at that.
Above is the start of Monday’s TMS, Tuesday’s KAK and Wednesday’s 9am.
8 replies on “The Morning Show’s war on Nine and Ten.”
I have started to enjoy the morning show. As a 19yr old uni student, I too am not the demo they’re after but I find it funny, fresh and most importantly tolerable. KAK is not tolerable neither is David. I like Kim tho. Kylie and Larry work well together.
In the hundreds of years Kerri-Ann has been on Australian TV, have her sets ever really changed? She clearly must have a hand in them.
Good god! The kerri anne colors gave me cancer and the sunrise hosts look so natural and realistic (cough not)
the actual contents, 7 looks good but kerri anne has a human feeling – channel 10 – niceer graphics – LOOSE THE CRAPPY JOKES
thanks for these
Thanks for posting.
I haven’t managed to catch The Morning Show as yet, does anyone know if they play the depressing infomercials posing as content?
Kerrianne human? I doubt it.
TMS does have informercials. they all do. but 7 does them live and try to make them funny
TMS is one show im trying, but until then{if TMS fails) its Kerri-Ann thats #1 in my book
As I’m from London, I guess it’d be unfair to judge an entire program/strand on just a minutes worth of content – HOWEVER….I’ll try
9am – I’ve seen less wood in a forest, gees, how abou they talk rather than just read the autocue – watch it back and youll see what I mean
Morning- Seems fine, a bit of cross marketing with sunrise-but cant say anything too bad
Keeri Ann- She is dressing like a 19 year old- what’s that about
In the UK we have This Morning on ITV 1 – its actually not that bad…
9am is actually probably the least scripted, Matt C. The two spend most of their time having faux arguments. KAK is famous in OZ for being mutton dressed as lamb. But she is a nationla treasure now, I think. …in the end though, they are all c**p, and not worth my time!