Update: Check out a bunch more of the BBC Three “blob” idents here.
> RealPlayer Stream Smaller (420kb)
> RealPlayer Stream Bigger (1.2mb)
This was the only BBC Three ident I captured on my trip, I did see a few others though, and while there not my favourite, they are pretty cool, and seem to be reflective of BBC Three as a channel.
I like it how they introduce the BBC Three box logo in different way, like it dropping into the screen or being revealed with a transition like it is in this one. The music is very cool, and I love the way they use audio from all different places as the voices for the blobs.
I’m also experimenting with my video encoding, so could you tell me which version (bigger or smaller) looks and sounds the best on your computer, and which you prefer. I work on a Mac so it can be hard to tell how the rest of the world see’s things.
3 replies on “UK: BBC Three ‘Afro’”
As far as the quality of the clips is concerned there wasn’t a great deal of difference. I played them both full screen and lost a little bit of definition with the small file, but nothing that I would worry over. It really depends on yourself and how close to broadcast quality you want to demo the clips.
What I like about the BBC3 idents is the way they use sound clips from the BBC archives. I’m starting to tire of them now though admittedly.
I Like the BBC Three Idents, they are really cool, I like the way they use the voices for the blobs.
As the the video, the smaller file, looks better for 225kbps, hardly any loss in quality.